How The Weather Came To Be was the Final Major Project of my degree
It was born from a fascination of folk tales and folk art, how does oral history translate into visual means and how could a body of research into folk feed into stories I wrote myself
Post-uni, the project has become something more long-form and continuous, something I've wanted to keep feeding into, slowing down and having the privilege with which to indulge in, away from university deadlines
sentimentality / tradition / slow craft / naivety / preservation / intrinsic motivation / community
This project was rooted in investigating and celebrating vehicles of storytelling and using the stories I've created as a basis for imagination. Looking at the ways in which they can be interpreted and grown by other voices by utilising craft and tactile making to channel childlike curiosity and play
This was a very research heavy project, rabbit holes and rabbit holes and rabbit holes. A desire to make and learn with meaning, rooted in research (but always play)
The main centre of this project is the 4 folk inspired stories I wrote. They aim to explain the origins of 4 types of weather (rain, wind, thunder, sunlight), each leading into the other, each with its own moral and character, each written in the cadence of its specific weather. pitter patter. Writing these stories was a long process dabbling in dada cut outs and rhythms until I arrived at my final poems, (the actual book is still a work in progress, hopefully to come soon)
Coronavirus and the affect this had on the physical possibilities of what outcomes I could make without facilities, meant that this project formed into more of a celebration of storytelling as a whole, rather than specific outcomes.
No final end point, more about ideas and indulgence and growth and change. like gardening